Published: 3 March 2024

Crafting a resume – or CV – that stands out is crucial, especially in the competitive fields of finance and accountancy. This blog post will guide finance and accountancy professionals through the process of creating a resume that not only highlights their skills and experiences but also positions them as the ideal candidates for their desired roles. Let's dive into the essential tips for crafting a winning resume.

In the ever-evolving and competitive world of finance and accountancy, landing your dream job starts with one critical document: your resume (or CV). It's not just a summary of your professional history; it's a strategic tool that, if crafted correctly, can set you apart from the sea of applicants vying for the same positions. At Bespoke Recruitment Solutions, we understand the nuances of the finance and accountancy sectors and are here to guide you through creating a resume that not only resonates with hiring managers but also showcases your unique value proposition. Here are essential tips to help you craft a winning resume.

Tailor Your Resume for the Role

Don’t be generic! To stand out, tailor your resume for each application, emphasising the skills and experiences most relevant to the job description. Use keywords from the job listing to make it past automated scanners and catch the eye of hiring managers. You don’t want to be turned down by AI!

Highlight Your Quantifiable Achievements

In finance and accountancy, numbers speak louder than words. Highlight your achievements with quantifiable results to demonstrate your impact. For instance, rather than saying "managed a team," specify "managed a team of 10 and increased financial reporting efficiency by 30%." This provides concrete evidence of your capabilities.

Showcase Your Technical Proficiency

The finance and accountancy sector is increasingly reliant on technology. List the software and tools you're proficient in, such as advanced Excel skills, ERP systems (like SAP or Oracle), and any relevant financial modelling software. This shows you're capable of hitting the ground running.

Include Relevant Certifications and Education

Certifications can significantly bolster your resume. Include any relevant credentials such as ACCA. Additionally, highlight your education, especially if you have a degree in finance, accountancy, or a related field.

Demonstrate Soft Skills Through Experiences

Soft skills are increasingly important in finance and accountancy roles. Demonstrate skills such as leadership, communication, and problem-solving through specific experiences or achievements. For example, describe a situation where you led a project team to success or resolved a complex financial discrepancy.

Keep It Concise and Error-Free

A winning resume is also a well-edited one. Keep it to a maximum of two pages to ensure it is concise and to the point. Proofread meticulously to avoid any spelling or grammatical errors, as these can be particularly damaging in fields that value precision like finance and accountancy.

Use a Professional Format

The format should be professional and easy to read. Use clear headings, bullet points, and consistent formatting to make it as accessible as possible. A clean, professional layout can make a significant difference in how your resume is perceived.

Write a Compelling Summary

Start your resume with a strong summary statement that encapsulates your professional background, key skills, and what you bring to the table. This is your elevator pitch to the hiring manager, so make it count.

Some quick tips!

The Ultimate Guide to Crafting an Effective Resume

This guide should provide a solid foundation for finance and accountancy professionals looking to craft resumes that not only tick all the boxes for potential employers but also showcase their unique strengths and achievements.

Tip 1 – Structure

1.1 Personal Details

1.2 Personal Profile

1.3 Key Skills

1.4 Career Achievements

1.5 Education/Qualifications

1.6 Career History

1.7 Interests/Hobbies

Tip 2 – Keep it Short

Tip 3 – Watch the Fonts

Tip 4 – Be Aware of the ATS:

Tip 5 - Always Bespoke Your CV (pun intended)

Crafting a winning resume requires thought, effort, and a strategic approach, especially in the competitive fields of finance and accountancy. By tailoring your resume to the role, highlighting your quantifiable achievements, showcasing your technical proficiency, and following the other tips outlined above, you'll position yourself as a standout candidate. Remember, your resume is the first step in your journey to landing your dream job—make it count.

At Bespoke Recruitment Solutions, we're dedicated to helping finance and accountancy professionals like you find their perfect match. For more personalised advice or assistance in your job search, don't hesitate to reach out to our team of experts. Feel free to reach out to us on 02476 939377 / 07305 905037 or email