Published: 30 July 2024

In the years since the COVID-19 pandemic first thrust many of us into remote work, managing distributed teams has become a standard part of the business landscape. While we've largely adapted to this new normal, it's worth revisiting and refining our remote management strategies to ensure we're leading our teams effectively in 2024 and beyond. Here are some key lessons we've learned and best practices to implement:

1. Leverage Video, But Be Mindful of Fatigue

Video conferencing remains a crucial tool for remote teams, but we've learned to use it more judiciously. While platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet are still popular, consider:-

2. Balance Communication and Autonomy

We've moved beyond the need for constant check-ins, but clear communication remains vital. Focus on:

3. Prioritise Mental Health and Work-Life Balance

As the lines between work and home life have blurred, it's more important than ever to:

4. Foster Team Cohesion in a Hybrid World

With many companies adopting hybrid models, focus on:

5. Embrace Asynchronous Collaboration

To accommodate global teams and different schedules:

6. Invest in Continuous Learning and Development

Remote work has highlighted the importance of ongoing skill development:

7. Cultivate a Strong Remote Culture

Building and maintaining company culture remotely requires intentional effort:

8. Leverage AI and Automation Thoughtfully

As AI tools become more prevalent, consider how they can enhance remote work:


While remote work is no longer new, refining our approach to managing distributed teams remains crucial. By implementing these strategies, we can create more effective, engaged, and productive remote teams. As we look to the future, the ability to lead remote and hybrid teams effectively will continue to be a key differentiator for successful managers and organisations.

Remember, the most successful remote teams are those that prioritise clear communication, trust, flexibility, and a strong sense of shared purpose. By continually adapting our management practices to the evolving nature of work, we can ensure our teams thrive in any environment.